Saturday 7 April 2018

Creating Build Scans

A build scan is a shareable and centralized record of a build that provides insights into what happened and why. By applying the build scan plugin to your project, you can publish build scans to for free.

What you’ll create

This guide shows you how to publish build scans ad-hoc without any build script modifications. You will also learn how to modify a build script to enable build scans for all builds of a given project. Optionally, you will also modify an init script to enable build scans for all of your projects.

What you’ll need

  • Either your own sample project, or you can use the sample project available from Gradle
  • Access to the Internet
  • Access to your email
  • About 7 minutes

Select a sample project

Gradle makes available a simple Java project that you can use to demonstrate build scan capabilities. If you wish to use it, clone or download the repository located at If you prefer to use your own project, you can skip this step.

Auto-apply the build scan plugin

Starting with Gradle 4.3, you can enable build scans without any additional configuration in your build script. When using the command line option --scan to publish a build scan, the required build scan plugin is applied automatically. Before the end of the build, you are asked to accept the license agreement on the command line. The following console output demonstrates the behavior.
$ ./gradlew build --scan


Do you accept the Gradle Cloud Services license agreement ( [yes, no]
Gradle Cloud Services license agreement accepted.

Publishing build scan...
This mechanism makes it very easy to generate ad-hoc, one-off build scans without having to configure the build scan plugin in your build. If you need finer grained configuration, you can configure the build scan plugin in a build or init script as described in the following sections.

Enable build scans on all builds of your project

Add a plugins block to the build.gradle file with the following contents:
plugins {
    id '' version '1.13' 
Use latest plugin version which can be found on the Gradle Plugin Portal.
If you already have a plugins block, always put the build scan plugin first. Adding it below any existing plugins will still work, but will miss useful information.

Accept the license agreement

In order to publish build scans to, you need to accept the license agreement. This can be done ad-hoc via the command line when publishing, but can also be specified in your Gradle build file, by adding the following section:
buildScan {
    licenseAgreementUrl = ''
    licenseAgree = 'yes'
The buildScan block allows you to configure the plugin. Here you are setting two properties necessary to accept the license agreement. Other properties are available. See the Build Scans User Manual for details.

Publish a build scan

A build scan is published using a command-line flag called --scan.
Run a build task with the --scan option. When the build is completed, after uploading the build data to, you will be presented with a link to see your build scan.
$ ./gradlew build --scan


Publishing build scan...

Access the build scan online

The first time you follow the link, you will be asked to activate the created build scan.
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